Sunday, May 06, 2007

School's Out for the Summer

Ah, the SNL special is on. SNL in the 90s. When it was funny and relevant and smart. Now it's just an embarrassment.

School is over for the semester. It was harder than I ever imagined. I learn something new every semester. My lesson for this semester: I SUCK. Maybe if Millie was a better sleeper, things would have been different. Maybe if I could have had more than 45 minutes to think. To read an article. To correct exams. To, God forbid, think about my dissertation. But, for the last three months, she woke up more times than I can count between the time she goes to "bed" and the time we relented and my husband took her to bed with him so I could get some work done. Of course, by then, it's late and I'm exhausted. If I don't get the job I am still hoping hoping hoping for and I'm still in school full time in the fall, I am holding on to hope that she'll be better by then. At this rate, I should get my dissertation by the time I'm 50. Not that there is anything wrong with getting your dissertation at 50. It's just wrong when you started at 31.

Maybe now I'll have time to breathe. To blog. To call my friends. If they still love me. I wouldn't blame them if they say, "And I should know you from?"

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